Friday, September 24, 2010

Attept to be organized didn't fail too miserably

I swear I really tried to keep a binder and a blog about the awesome garden I some how managed to have. But I do think it could be better, more productive and less maintenance. So, I am trying a 30 day trial and after a day or two of playing around with it, I think I'm going to pay he $25 a year and do it. has an awesome garden planner. You enter the size and what you want and plan it out. It tells you how far to space things and how to rotate, when to plant, when to harvest....etc. Everything you need when you are a new gardener like myself. I haven't looked deeply enough to see if it will tell me how to do the organic gardening, but I'm sure I can find everything I need on line somewhere. I'm so excited though. Next year will be better and easier!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Clean Up

Took all day long, but it's weeded. Pulled the carrots because they were starting to rot or bugs were eating them, don't know which. Not too many are actually edible. It's pretty cleared out. The pumpkins didn't make it to Halloween. Oh well. We probably planted them too early. We decided not to do pumpkins next year. They took over and other plants didn't have a chance. I started cooking butternut squash. It's delicious. Tomatoes are still coming in. Raspberries are doing their second round. Overall I think it was a success. Next year, we'll work out some kinks and do a little better! I'll take some pictures soon!